Abouts Us

Gauri Play School is an exciting time for young children, as they begin to develop their personalities, gain independence, and discover the world around them. To these young kids, everything is new and interesting an opportunity to have fun. Preschool children are playful, enthusiastic, and above all, full of energy!

Gauri Play School can be very rewarding for educator and it is amazing to see how much your little ones grow in such a short time! Play School teachers help their students to learn new skills, develop their motor skills, and become confident in themselves.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide  high quality education for our kids, respectful and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning.

Our Vision

The Tomorrow in which we believe A World that is at Peace and Nation that fight no wars cities that are clean and green and Earth that Carries no scars with human who believe in harmony and families that known no tomorrow Complete that full circle of Life.